Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is Your Water Toxic ?

We all take it for granted, but water it is the most precious commodity on planet earth. If you go a few days without it you will die, Most people know that you should take in that 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy, but no one told you that your tap water and majority of bottle water is polluted.

Your tap water is loaded with fluoride,chlorine plus hundreds of other contaminants. Research has proven when you take a shower your body absorbs more toxins than if you drank that 8 glasses of water. You can buy a shower filter at your local Home depot or Lowes to remove most of it.

If you use a shower filter you will notice that dry skin, caused by chlorine will disappear.Plus your hair will thank you for it, you should also notice your Energy levels and a feeling of well being will increase.

You can put a simular filter on your kitchen faucet and the water dispenser of your refrigerator. This is very important because you also cook with water and you can buy glass water bottles to refill and save money. Just make sure you boil the bottles in water ever couple of days.

If you want to know whats in your local tap water ask to see your city's annual water quality report for information.

Plastic Water Bottles are toxic, just let one get warm in your car and drink from it. If you taste anything other then claen water its leaching toxins into the water.

Unfortunately, those fabulous plastic bottles made with polycarbonate plastics and identified by the #7 recycling symbol, may leach BPA. Bisphenol A is a xenoestrogen, a known endocrine disruptor, meaning it disturbs the hormonal messaging in our bodies. Synthetic xenoestrogens are linked to breast cancer and uterine cancer in women, decreased testosterone levels in men, and are particularly devastating to babies and young children. BPA has even been linked to insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes.

If you have to use a plasitc bottle check the recycling symbol on your bottle. If it is a #2 HDPE (high density polyethylene), or a #4 LDPE (low density polyethylene), or a #5 PP (polypropylene), they say the bottle is fine. The type of plastic bottle in which water is usually sold is usually a #1, and is only recommended for one time use. Do not refill it. Better to use a reusable water bottle, and fill it with your own filtered water from home and keep these single-use bottles out of the landfill.

Want To KNow More? see - Nitrates In Your Food

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